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Licensed by: Ministry of Education - Higher Education Affairs  |  مرخصة من: وزارة التربية والتعليم - شؤون التعليم العالي
CU Ajman has renewed its licensure in year 2021  | لقد تم تجديد ترخيص الجامعة في عام 2021
People of Determination

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People of Determination


Federal Law No. 29 of 2006 Concerning the Rights of People with Disabilities, as amended with federal law No. 14 of 2009 (the law) protects the rights of people of determination and guarantees them the right to live with dignity.
The law defines a person with special needs as someone suffering from a temporary or permanent, full or partial deficiency or infirmity in his physical, sensory, mental, communication, educational or psychological abilities to an extent that limits his possibility of performing the ordinary requirements as people without special needs.

CU Ajman Services and Facilities

The management of CU Ajman seeks to encourage the pursuit of education among Students of Determination by providing them services to ensure stability in their education.
CU Ajman accepts students with physical disabilities who are capable of communicating and functioning in a classroom setting.


The university provides a number of elevators and ramps at the university campus for ease of movement of students using wheelchairs.
The campus is designed in a way that facilitates movement for students using wheelchairs or crutches.


Special scholarships are available for students with disability and can be applied for through the Admissions Office.

Academic Support

  • The Counselling Office evaluates the student to learn their specific learning needs
  • Counselling with parents to prepare for the academic studies ahead
  • One-on-one meeting with faculty on a weekly basis
  • Preferential seating in the classroom
  • The use of different media to relay information during teaching
  • Granting extra time and technology support during exams


Health Services

Basic clinic services are provided by the University without a charge to all the students enrolled in CU Ajman. However, students are recommended to have their own medical insurance in case of medical emergencies. Hospital fees are the responsibility of the student.
The clinic is available during the review period, study times and the nurse can be reached on email through


Free parking is available at the university entrance and basement for students with disabilities. Ramps and elevators are strategically located to enable easy mobility on campus.
More details on student life can be found in the Student Handbook on the CU Ajman website


People of determination can seek their higher education at CU Ajman as long as they are capable.
Students are required to mention their disability at the time of enrollment or to the Student Affairs Department afterwards. There are no screenings or tests required, only an official document describing the disability.
By disclosing your disability, the university is better prepared to assist and provide access to the services available for Students of Determination.

General Information

Dealing with People of Determination

Ways to Make Them Feel at Ease with You

  • Speak in your natural voice when greeting them with determination in. Don’t raise your voice unnecessarily.
  • Refer them to the right room that’s easily accessed. If you don’t have an easily accessed room, provide alternatives.
  • Shake hands with people of determination, even if they have a prosthetic hand. You can use shake with your left hand, keeping culture sensitivity in mind. 
  • With those who cannot shake hands, lightly touch their shoulder or arm to welcome them.
  • Avoid patting the head or shoulder of those using a wheelchair.
  • When talking to someone on a wheelchair, do not tilt towards them as the chair is considered part of their private space.


If you would like discuss any support needs please contact us at
All conversations with the university counsellor are confidential according to the terms of the Confidentiality form.
For inquiries please contact Student Affairs Department at