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Five Significant Lessons Learned from Pursuing An MBA Degree

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Five Significant Lessons Learned from Pursuing An MBA Degree

Obtaining an MBA degree from a prestigious institution like City University Ajman can be a life-changing experience. Pursuing an MBA is an investment in one’s future, and it can help individuals develop new skills and abilities that can be applied in a wide range of industries. Throughout their MBA journey at City University Ajman, students learn several valuable lessons that help them become better professionals and more well-rounded individuals.

Five Significant Lessons Learned from Pursuing An MBA Degree

One of the key lessons learned is the importance of networking. Networking is essential in any field, and it is especially important when pursuing an MBA. City University Ajman provides students with the opportunity to interact with students and faculty from diverse backgrounds, which helps them build a strong professional network. Through interactions with classmates and professors, students gain valuable insights into different industries and learn about the challenges and opportunities in each one.

Effective time management is another crucial skill learned while pursuing an MBA at City University Ajman. Students must balance their coursework, projects, and extracurricular activities, which teaches them the importance of managing their time effectively. By prioritizing tasks and managing their time, students can stay on top of their work and achieve their goals.

Another key lesson learned is the importance of critical thinking. Critical thinking is a vital skill that is essential in any field, and it is particularly important when pursuing an MBA degree.  Students at the university are exposed to various business scenarios that require them to analyze and evaluate different strategies and solutions critically. This helps them develop their critical thinking skills, which are invaluable in their professional careers.

Collaboration is also a critical skill that students learn while pursuing an MBA.  Working on group projects with classmates teaches students the importance of collaboration. By working with others, they gain valuable insights into different perspectives and approaches, which helps them become more well-rounded professionals.

Finally, students learn that continuous learning is necessary to succeed in today’s fast-paced business world. City University Ajman exposes students to a wide range of business topics and concepts, helping them develop their knowledge and skills. However, students also learn that learning doesn’t end with an MBA degree. To stay relevant and competitive, it is essential to continue learning and developing new skills throughout their careers.


Pursuing an MBA degree at City University Ajman provides students with an incredibly rewarding experience. Through their MBA journey, they learn several valuable lessons that help them become better professionals and groomed individuals. By networking, managing their time effectively, developing their critical thinking skills, collaborating with others, and embracing continuous learning, students develop a strong foundation that serves them well throughout their careers. City University Ajman is an excellent institution that provides students with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed.